Click that and a long panel of checkboxes should appear. If you mouse over it, the tooltip is Toolbox Options. Near the upper right of the console, before the "x" to close the console is a gear icon. This should open in the bottom of the current tab. To set up the full page screenshot tool, open Firefox's Web Console using either the Developer menu or Ctrl+Shift+k. An add-on (there are many screenshot extensions with different free/paid features).Developer tools (I'll describe in more detail further down).

To capture a full web page to a file (not including the toolbar area), you can use either:.To grab the currently active window or dialog, press Alt+PrtScn, then paste into Paint or another image editor.To grab the current full screen, press the PrtScn key on the keyboard, then paste into Paint or another image editor.I can suggest a couple alternatives based on what works in Windows 7:

Hopefully someone can explain how to resolve that problem. I'm not familiar with how this tool changed in Windows 10.