There's Magic Every-Air: 15 Air Crystal and 1 King Crystal. I have two well rolled BK mighty weapons and also two well rolled Istvans paired blades (all ancient). Sun Keeper Armor: 35: 720: N/A (Dropped by Chest of the Void Sharken OR Khal-No'Bir (Monster)) Sun Keeper Belt: 35: 720: N/A (Dropped by Gar-Feld) Sun Keeper Boots: 35: 720: N/A (Dropped by Crocos (1) (Level 35) (Version 1) OR Crocos' Exalted Treasure OR Crocos' Treasure (Monster)) Sun Keeper Cloak: 35: 720: N/A (Dropped by Chest of the Void Sun Keeper Pauldrons.